Coverage Support
Coverage support
Get the highest level of coverage available with support through our pharmacies or support line.
Change in coverage?
You will most likely experience no coverage changes for the medications you take when you join the HealthWATCH® / PharmEXPERT Drug Plan. The majority of plan members, about 85%, are on Tier 1 medications and receive the higher coverage.
About 15% of people may notice a change in the amount that they pay and can receive more information about their coverage and options through our support line or through their pharmacy.
Options for plan members taking Tier 2 drugs:
Ask your pharmacist to work with your doctor, if necessary, to switch to a more cost-effective drug option on Tier 1 to get the highest level of coverage.
Continue to take the Tier 2 drug, if that is your choice, and receive lower coverage.
Options for plan members taking "not listed" drugs:
Ask your pharmacist to work with your doctor, if necessary, to switch to a more cost-effective drug that could be on Tier 1 (higher coverage), Tier 2 (lower coverage) or even over-the-counter.
Continue to take the drug that is not listed. The plan member will have to pay the full amount out of their own pocket.
Get the coverage support you need
In store
Speak with someone at a pharmacy near you, including local Shoppers Drug Mart or Loblaw banner pharmacies.
By phone
Call the HealthWATCH® / PharmEXPERT Drug Plan support line to speak with a representative at 1-844-668-6010.
In Quebec any pharmacist consultation will be the responsibility of the pharmacist-owner chosen by the user.
Due to provincial regulations, the service offering may be different in Quebec, notably the Specialty Drug Management program or any measure that does not respect the guarantees of the basic prescription drug insurance plan.